Chapter Chair UpdateAlthough the chapter office has been closed, we are still working - advocating for our environment and the people of Connecticut. We are always working to help pass good legislation, protect our open spaces and forest lands, clean up our transportation, and protect our communities. | Are You Nature's Best Hope?As professor Doug Tallamy says, “...conservation is everyone’s responsibility—not just those few who make it their profession.” As private citizens, we can help create a lot of positive change for the environment with some simple changes in our yards and gardens. | Earth Week Goes VirtualWhile we stay apart to protect our communities, we can still come together to take action to protect our environment. Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day with Sierra Club Connecticut by joining us in these actions you can take at home. |
Help Support National Park Proper FundsConnecticut’s National Parks include a National Historic Site (Weir Farm) and a National Scenic Trail (the Appalachian Trail). If you haven’t visited these, maybe you have been to National Parks in other states across America. Learn about the U.S. Senate Bill supporting National Parks, and how you can help. | Turtle CrossingLast summer we shared the poems written by one of our members, dismayed with the danger that speeding drivers posed to wildlife crossing the road. We are now thrilled and inspired to share the action he took in his town (making a difference with each wild creature that is saved), along with his new poem. | Wildlife Committee UpdateGet an update from our Wildlife Committee Chair! As of this writing, the legislative activities of the Connecticut General Assembly (CGA) are postponed. However, earlier in the session, Sierra Club Connecticut submitted testimony to the CGA’s Environment Committee on several Senate Bills and House Bills. |