Wildlife Committee Update
April 2020
Kathleen Magner
As of this writing, the legislative activities of the Connecticut General Assembly (CGA) are postponed. However, earlier in the session, the Wildlife Committee submitted testimony to the CGA’s Environment Committee on several Senate Bills (SB) and House Bills (HB):
Testimony on HB-5104 - An Act Prohibiting the Import, Sale and possession of African Elephants, Lions, Leopards, Black Rhinoceros, White Rhinoceros and Giraffes
Testimony on SB-294 - An Act Prohibiting the Sale and Trade of Ivory and Rhinoceros Horn in Connecticut
Testimony on HB-5341 - An Act Prohibiting the Sale and Breeding of Certain Cetaceans
Testimony on SB-413 - An Act Concerning the Use of Exotic or Wild Animals in Traveling Animal Acts
Once the session reconvenes, we hope, with your vital help, to work towards the passage of the above bills. The Wildlife Committee had also advocated for legislation to be introduced to ban steel-jaw leghold traps, and for the development of educational initiatives for peaceful coexistence with wildlife; however, those concepts were not raised by the CGA’s Environment Committee. We remain committed to pursuing such legislation and any other wildlife protections that may arise.
Mission Statement: The Sierra Club Connecticut Wildlife Committee advocates for the protection of wildlife (particularly endangered, threatened and special concern species), wildlife habitat and movement corridors, and biodiversity.
The interconnectedness of all species, including humans, is highlighted now more than ever. Wildlife trafficking and habitat loss are not only a threat to animals in the wild, but to humans as well. The temporary ban recently put in place in China regarding wildlife trade may lead to long-term meaningful solutions, and increase action both in Connecticut and all areas of the world, to preserve wildlife habitats.
In the words Sierra Club founder, John Muir, “In every walk with Nature one receives far more than he seeks.” As evidenced at this time of year by migrating birds, calling of spring peepers, emergence of chipmunks and more, this awakening is what makes spring in Connecticut an ideal time to refresh body and mind by celebrating nature’s renewal and our common humanity (humane-ness) with all creatures sharing the Earth. The protection of wildlife remains more important than ever. Please email us to find out how you can help or be added to our wildlife issues mailing list. Thank you and welcome Spring!
Kathleen Magner is Sierra Club Connecticut’s Wildlife Committee Chair.