2024 in Review
Samantha Dynowski
December 2024
As I look back on our collective efforts in 2024, Sierra Club Connecticut has, once again, made an impressive effort to provide opportunities to enjoy, explore, and protect the environment for our members and supporters.
Here is a snapshot of our impact in 2024:
Photo: March to Keep Connecticut’s Climate Promise in Hartford in February 2024
Educationals & Advocacy Events - In 2024, our Chapter and Groups planned and hosted 73 educational and advocacy events that were attended by over 1,000 people. These events ranged from webinars about environmental topics to rallies, lobby days, and phone banks.
Actions - At key moments, we reached out and asked you to take action, and you did! Over 10,000 actions were taken by Connecticut members and supporters to urge state and federal decision makers to protect the environment.
Outings & Outings Training - Our small outings program experienced a big boost in August when a local program joined forces with the Sierra Club. In 2024, we held over 80 outings and 4 training sessions with over 600 participants. This year our outings have included a range of offerings including hiking, kayaking, backpacking, educational walks, bird watching, and yoga. Outings continue through the winter; be sure to check the Outings MeetUp page and Chapter Calendar for information.
Sierra Club Table at Community Events - Sierra Club staff and volunteers share information at community events and Farmers’ markets throughout the year. This year, we tabled at 25 events all over the state.
Media Coverage - Sierra Club has influenced public discussions with more than 50 stories in the media. These stories have included opinion pieces, letters to the editor, quotes, and stories on the issues that we work on. Our February rally on Climate made the front page of the Hartford Courant, and our September rally to Stop Project Maple and the Brookfield compressor station was covered by print, television, and radio outlets.
While I can’t report a count, our Chapter has also presented at schools and local groups. We testified on dozens of bills and turned out members to public hearings. Our Political Committee interviewed many of the candidates for office. And, we’ve gathered for our Sierra Club committee business.
We’ll need to double-down on our efforts and advocacy in 2025 to defend against renewed attacks from the Trump Administration in Washington, and to push our Connecticut decision makers to step up progress on addressing climate change and safeguarding the health of our communities. Given our track record, I have no doubt we will rise up to the challenge. Onward!
Samantha Dynowski is State Director of Sierra Club Connecticut.